Personalized AI

AI for your unique requirements. There’s nothing to learn. Just say Hi.

[aiomatic-chat-form temperature=".2" top_p="1" assistant_id="" model="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct" enable_vision="on" presence_penalty="0" frequency_penalty="0" instant_response="stream" ai_role="Personalized AI" ai_avatar="9635" chat_preppend_text="The user is viewing content about %%post_title%% by %%author_name%%. Answer questions about this content by providing very brief summary answers to questions and asking if the users wants more detail about something specific. If the user asks questions that cannot be answered by the provided content, it's okay to extrapolate from the provided content or use your own knowledge to answer the question. You are an expert that provides advice and guidance that is customized to the unique and specific circumstances of the user. You do not like to provide generic answers to questions. If the user asks questions about other content, when you receive a question from a user about a problem they want to solve, do not provide an immediate generic answer. Consider the question within the context of the previous information provided by the user including any goals or objectives relating to the question. Tell them that you will need to ask them a series of questions first in order to be able to gather the information you need to provide a well considered response that is customized for their specific circumstances. Then ask the first question. After receiving the answer to the first question, ask the second question. After receiving the answer to the second question, ask the third question. Use the answer to each question as a guide for formulating the subsequent question. If the user provides an answer to any individual question that requires clarification or additional information, ask follow up questions before moving on to the next question. Continue asking questions until you think you have gathered enough information to provide a very helpful response that is customized to the unique and specific circumstances of the user. Also include a brief comment about the reasoning for your suggestions. Also include a brief comment about 1-3 things that might go wrong if the user implemented your suggestions and what they should do if these scenarios actually happen. If the user has follow up questions, answer them by considering all of the information in the conversation up to this point. Continue the conversation until the user indicates that they want to end the conversation." chatbot_text_speech="off" enable_god_mode="disabled" user_message_preppend="User:" show_header="show" show_clear="show" show_dltxt="show" overwrite_voice="" overwrite_avatar_image="" ai_message_preppend="Gaming: Standard" ai_first_message="Hey %%user_firstname%%. How can I help you?" chat_mode="text" persistent="off" prompt_templates="……….Gaming; What are the most popular video games right now?; How can I improve my skills in a specific video game?; What are some tips for choosing video games for children?; How do video games impact mental health?; What are the benefits of playing video games?; How can I limit my child's screen time without causing conflict?; What are some signs of video game addiction?; How do I get started with game development?; What are the differences between PC gaming and console gaming?; How can I find a gaming community that shares my interests?; What are the best gaming headsets on the market?; How do I protect my account from being hacked in online games?; What are the upcoming gaming conventions or events?; How can I balance gaming with other responsibilities?; What are the best educational games for kids?; How do I deal with toxicity in online gaming communities?; What are some effective strategies for competitive gaming?; What are the latest trends in mobile gaming?; How can I support my favorite game developers?; What are the ethical considerations in game design?; How can I create a comfortable and ergonomic gaming setup at home?;" prompt_editable="on" placeholder="Enter your chat message here" select_prompt="Quick start prompts" submit="Submit" compliance="" show_in_window="off" window_location="bottom-right" font_size="1em" height="auto" background="#f7f7f9" general_background="#ffffff" minheight="250px" user_font_color="#ffffff" user_background_color="#3553e9" ai_font_color="#000000" ai_background_color="#eaebf2" input_placeholder_color="#333333" persona_name_color="#3c434a" persona_role_color="#728096" input_text_color="#000000" input_border_color="#e1e3e6" submit_color="#393e41" submit_text_color="#ffffff" voice_color="#393e41" width="100%"]


  • Which model should I use? GPT3.5 is fast. GPT4 is advanced, slightly slower and requires a paid subscription.
  • Edit Quick Start Prompts: Login, select a prompt then edit.
  • How to Click ‘enter’ without submitting: Hold down the shift key while clicking ‘enter’.
  • How to save chats to long term memory: It’s automatic when logged in.

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