Second Brain

Second Brain is very important pro feature.

The simple summary is that this is long term memory for your chatbot.

If you end a chat then start a new chat, the chatbot will have access to data from previous chats.

Use it to store thoughts, ideas, note or anything that you may want to chat about with the AI in the future. 

No need for linear or structured data.

Use the “quick start prompts” at the bottom of the chatbot to give the AI more context about your specific circumstances and needs over time and review previous chat content.

  • My situation: enter background information about anything that matters to you.
  • My objectives: enter your objectives relating to anything that matters to you.
  • My thoughts: enter your thoughts about anything that matters to you.
  • Give me a summary of my notes about: enter a topic and allow the AI to give you a summary of everything in previous chats relating to that topic and dive into more detail where required.

The future

It will become an assistant, confidant, friend and eventually an agent.

Data privacy & precautions

We use data security protocols to make your data as secure as possible but you are still putting your info “in the cloud”, however, 100% security and privacy can never be guaranteed.

Like any platform where you put your data into the cloud, we do not recommend entering sensitive data like passwords, etc. 


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Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.